Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rearrangement (Part 2)

Not satisfied with the arrangement yesterday so I bought another soft and more durable net to hold more ceramic rings.

Here's the new net with ceramic rings (around 2kg):

Here's the net that I bought yesterday (around 2kg):

Here's the coral chips I put in yesterday (around 1kg):

Here's the water plant I tied together with aluminum as weight/anchor.

Here's the first (Japanese mats), second (coral chips - 1kg, ceramic rings - 6kg, sponges) and third compartments (Japanese mats):

Here's the fourth compartment (just return pump, UV and some feeder fishes):

Overview (UV pumps water to Over Head Filter filled with 1kg infra-red ceramic rings and water return to first compartment):

pH reading today around 6.46 at 11:30 a.m.

Next "project" will be getting another 8 kg of ceramic rings for the 3rd compartment substituting the existing Japanese mats. Will be my next projects. Maybe I'll just get those red coloured one which I bought earlier that claims can release infra-red and create energy water.

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